Yonsei Foreign Student Union Logo

Logo redesign for Yonsei University's Foreign Student Union (FSU).

Project Type
Personal Project | 2022


The original logo uses puzzle pieces to convey the meaning of 'union', and uses blue as it is the official colour for Yonsei University.

Design Concept

FSU: The voice for foreign students in Yonsei

Each word of the Korean name for ‘Yonsei Foreign Student Union’ all begin with circles.

The  3 circle elements are used in the logo, with the first 2 representing students.

The third circle has an added tail to represent a speech bubble, and overlapped with the second circle to illustrate a person speaking.

Colour Choice


Yonsei University
Diversity (2 kinds of blue)
Trust, Responsibility, Reliability


Youthful, Fresh Energy

Font Selection

Montserrat - Black


Black & White