
Willit (Wishlist + Wallet) provides a money-saving service for your wishlist. With Willit, you can organise your wants in one place, determine your monthly savings through automatic transfer, and allocate your savings to your top 3 wishlist items. Willit encourages healthy spending habits by helping to develop a habit of consistent saving and prevent impulse purchases.

Project Type
User Experience and Interface Design Class Project | Fall 2022
Team Project (6 Members)
Roles & Contribution
Best Project Award for
User Experience and Interface Design in Fall 2022


Each team was given the freedom to choose a problem to work on for their project. Our team decided to work on a problem that we faced as college students who earn little from part-time jobs but have many wants.

Young adults have many wants but most do not have the spending power to match.

E-commerce has made shopping quick, and accessible, but it is difficult and inconvenient to keep track of wishlists across platforms.

Creating good habits such as saving money consistently is difficult, and most young adults have yet to develop good financial habits.

The Challenge

Create a service for young adults to consolidate wishlists and save up for purchases, while encouraging good financial habits.


We conducted competitive research by analysing and comparing existing services related to wishlist management or finance.

Wishlist Management


  • Add and manage wishlist items using the URL link copy/share feature.

  • Organize items into buckets (categories).

  • Share buckets and wishlist items with other users in a social media format.

  • Receive recommendations for popular wishlist items and access to additional information.

  • Receive notifications for discounts, restocks, and order updates.


  • Add and manage items in your wishlist through URLs or by sharing to the app

  • Organize items into collections (categories).

  • Get recommendations for trending wishlists of the day and related product information.

  • Explore and receive recommendations for online malls, bookmark favourites.


  • Create and manage a card-style wishlist notebook consisting of images, text, and achievement dates.

  • Share your wishlist notebook with other users in a social media format.

  • Use the affirmation button to motivate yourself and the praise button to encourage other users.


  • Create and manage categories.

  • Add and manage links within categories, bookmark favourites.



  • [Savings] Set aside specific amounts for storage and check the transaction history.

  • [Collecting Small Change] Custom settings for rounding up change from account or card payments and cashback.

  • [Saving Goals] Set goals, frequency, and amount for savings; manage goals through automatic transfers.

  • Earn a small amount of interest.

KakaoPay (Bucketlist)

  • Set goals, target amounts, and weekly savings amount.

  • Manage savings and bucket list through automatic transfers.

  • [Savings Booster] Automatically add a predetermined amount to your bucket list savings every time you make a payment with KakaoPay.

  • Earn a small amount of interest.

Bank Salad

  • Set a monthly budget by defining a total amount and categorizing expenses.

  • Review and manage current income and expenditure records.

  • Analyze spending and income according to the established monthly budget.

The Art of Waiting
(기다림의 미학)

  • 3 day countdown to prevent impulse purchases.

  • Search and compare product prices across different websites.


Consolidating the common pros and cons of each service gave us insight into a gap in the existing market:

There is a lack of a direct connection from the user's wishlist to the actual purchasing process.

Pros and Cons


  • Manage wishlists by category.

  • Various notification services related to discounts, restocks, and order status.

  • Quickly add items to your wishlist using URLs or the sharing function.

  • Share with other users in a social media format.


  • Users can manage their wishlists and access purchase sites through links, but the app does not directly connect to the actual spending process.


  • Automatic savings with customizable goals, frequency and amounts.


  • Funds can be grouped into categories based on goals or set aside for a grace period, but there is no direct connection to the actual purchasing process.

Understanding the User

Crafting a persona and user scenarios helped us solidify our target users, understand the context in which our service would be used, and identify potential pain points.


Difficulty tracking wishlists across different platforms

Provide several ways (search, share, manual add) to add wishlist items onto our platform for easy organisation in one place.

Encourage consistent savings over impulse purchases

Recommend a rational spending plan based on monthly savings amount.

Foster good financial habits

Provide a sense of accomplishment through missions and a reward system.

Information Architecture

The IA and wireframing process not only allowed us to iterate but also enabled consistent structure across team members as the final UI design work was executed individually.


UI Design & Prototyping

I used Figma to create the final design and prototype of the app, developing over 30 screens to effectively demonstrate the overall design and user flow.

Login and Sign up pages
Tutorial Pages
Savings Progress
Edit Monthly Savings Amount
Edit Savings Allocation
Explore, Filter & Search, Product Info Page
My Page - Profile, Missions, Rewards

Demo Video

Visual Design

With Willit's target audience of young adults in mind, I designed the app to feel youthful, distinctive, and filled with anticipation. A low-saturation, dark navy background conveys trust and security, while a high-saturation gradient elements add a trendy, eye-catching appeal. The smooth colour transitions in the gradient symbolise the gradual process of saving money and fostering good habits.





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