
Willit (Wishlist + Wallet) provides a money-saving service for your wishlist. With Willit, you can organise your wants in one place, determine your monthly savings through automatic transfer, and allocate your savings to your top 3 wishlist items. Willit encourages healthy spending habits by helping to develop a habit of consistent saving and prevent impulse purchases.

Project Type
Class Project
User Experience and Interface Design | Fall 2022
Best Project Award for
User Experience and Interface Design in Fall 2022

Target Users

Young adults in their 20s - 30s who have many things on their wishlist.

People who want to spend reasonably and rationally, and avoid impulse purchases.

People who want to set aside money and be frugal in their spending.


It is difficult and inconvenient to manage wishlists across different sites or platforms.

Young people do not have enough money to afford what they want, and have yet to develop good financial habits.

Creating good habits such as saving money consistently is difficult.


Organise all wishlists into one place.

Recommend reasonable spending plans for easy management of expenses.

Encourage and give a sense of accomplishment through missions and a reward system.

Main Task

Reasonable, Rational Spending
Managing wishlist items in a list

Items can be added to the wishlist using the product link or by using the share function in the shopping app itself. Compiling all items in one place allows for easier management and planning for expenses.

Manage spending according to financial capacity

As the user sets a fixed amount of money that they are able to set aside every month, the app plans expenses for the user using only that amount. This is especially important for expensive items. The user can also determine the percentage of their savings that go to each wishlist item based on how much they value that item. The monthly savings are collected through automatic transfer on a fixed date every month.

Sub Task

i. Plans for Reasonable, Rational Spending
Spending plan recommendation

The amount of money put towards each item on the wishlist is calculated based on the percentage of monthly savings set by the user. This can be recalculated should the user wish to reduce the amount saved monthly and the new amount can be recommended to the user.

Limiting the number of products that can be saved up for at a time

The items that the user actually wants to save up for and purchase are managed in a separate 'currently saving for' list that is separate from the wishlist. The number of items is limited to 3 to prevent impulse purchases. 

Updates on product information and notifications

The user receives notifications for updates such as discounts and restock, especially if the item is on their 'currently saving for' list or is high on their wishlist ranking.

ii. Easy and convenient wishlist management
Customize wishlist

The wishlist can be customised by creating categories, changing the ranking of items and deleting items.

iii. Gaining a sense of achievement
Reward points

Points are given for reaching 20%, 50%, 80% and 100% of the goal amount. All points are only rewarded when 100% of the goal is fulfilled.


The user can receive rewards for completing missions for total savings, number of items bought through saving, saving for a number of months consecutively, and not giving up in the middle of saving for a particular item.

Design Keywords


User Centric


Money Management


By oneself
Good habits
Many a little makes a mickle
Bright and friendly

Information Architecture


Login and Sign up pages
Tutorial pages

'Currently saving for' page
-Product details page
- Modify monthly savings
- Modify percentage allocation

Wishlist page
My Page
- Profile
- Missions
- Points

Demo Video