
In this digital era, digital devices have become part of our lives. If we were already obsessed with our devices previously, how much more reliant on them have we become in an era of social distancing? We have no choice but to stare at screens all day, everyday for work or school. I set out to capture the reality of our digital habits in a series of photographs.

Project Type
Class Project
Photo and Video Design | Spring 2021
Best Project Award for Photo and Video Design in Spring 2021


This photo series emerged one night as I was tired from staring at my devices all day, everyday as I have to use them all the time for work and school, not realising that I was also addicted to them. Outside work, I continued to rely on technology and the internet to fuel and recharge myself, however, I was actually making myself even more exhausted mentally and physically. One year into the Covid-19 pandemic, where digital devices and the internet have become an inevitable necessity for everyone, I believe many would be able to relate to the surreal reality shown in these pictures.